OC65, Overclocked 6502 Computer


OC65 is a series of overclock experiments with W65C02. The first experiment is a simple CPLD-6502 test to explore the upper operating limit of W65C02. The following series of experiments were functioning computers based on CRC65 concept to acheive fastest and producible 6502 computers.

OC65 rev0 is handwired prototype board using IDECPLD (EPM7128S protoboard) as the base and glued W65C02 then the 10nS RAM on top.www.retrobrewcomputers.org_lib_plugins_ckgedit_fckeditor_userfiles_image_builderpages_plasmo_oc65_dsc_71451215.jpg

OC65 rev1 is modified CRC65 rev2 PC board. Speed improvements are achieved with faster 10nS RAM, faster RAM decode, and fast DOM interface.


builderpages/plasmo/oc65/oc65home.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/19 08:43 by plasmo
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