ECB Extended Backplane-12


The ECB Extended Backplane-12 is a backplane card for the EuroCard Bus which allows up to 12 ECB cards to be connected at one time.

Note: For a more recent 12-slot backplane design, see John Coffman's ECB 12-Slot Backplane for Siemens 505-6508.

Hardware Documentation

Build Information

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File List

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
100_1729.jpg134.5 KiB2017/02/23 03:09
ecb_extended_backplane-01.zip257.9 KiB2015/10/31 00:19
ecb_extended_backplane-ajl.zip4.2 MiB2015/10/31 00:20
extbackplane.lst10.8 KiB2015/10/31 15:30
extbackplane.png113.2 KiB2015/10/31 00:19
printing_extbackplane-brd.pdf1.3 MiB2015/10/31 00:19
printing_extbackplane-sch.pdf426.2 KiB2015/10/31 00:19
boards/ecb/backplane-12/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/20 04:47 by jordi.solis
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